Automatic Vehicle Identification: Cementirossi chooses Eximia

Automatic Vehicle Identification: Cementirossi chooses Eximia

Advanced vehicle access control thanks to Eximia RFID technologies.

Cementirossi is an Italian company that for over 80 years has produced a wide variety of hydraulic binders, including very high-tech specialty products. Over the years, the organization has significantly increased the annual production capacity of its plants from a few thousand quintals to millions of tons. As such, the company needed advanced solutions to keep field processes under control and automated.

Customer needs

  • Identify vehicles accessing the plants
  • Modernize the current access control system based on active technology with a next-generation system based on UHF passive RFID technology

The approach

After analyzing Cementirossi’s needs, we equipped the access gates to the construction sites with the latest generation of RFID readers. Thanks to these technologies, the customer can easily identify vehicles in predefined access and transit areas. In addition, the drivers of the vehicles are issued with UHF RFID ISO cards.

Thanks to our Middleware platform, the entire RFID system has been integrated with the management system currently in use, thus allowing the consolidation of the entire business ecosystem.


  • Real-time access control
  • More accurate and reliable data
  • An integrated and digital business ecosystem, thanks to the interconnection with the ERP software


Material Tracking


hELP Platform